lunch bag




guest =; def “guest” end

s=”foo”; s<<“d”; s.length => 4

protocol: TCP, HTTP

inheritance include inheritance of implementation and type. But the inheritance of type does not help because ruby is dynamic typing. When we talk about dynamic typing, we talk about a mechanism where the type of a variable can change and be resolved on the fly at the exact moment it gets parsed by the interpreter. When we talk about static typing, we talk about a mechanism where the type of a variable is resolved in advance by the interpreter/compiler. Javascript is dynamically typed too.

A dynamically typed language is a language where the type of a variable can be altered at any time. (It is a string, now it is a Fixnum, now it is a Time object, etc.)

A statically typed language is the opposite. (Decide what x is once for all and don’t change your mind!)

A strongly typed language is a language that is being strict about what you can do with your typed variables. (Don’t mix them… or I will throw you an error in the face!)

A weakly typed language is the opposite. (Do what you want with your different types. Mix them all! We’ll see what happens!)

delegation means composition in ruby but means prototypes in Javascript.


validate { |r| r.home_phone? || r.cell_phone? } # validate it should be either a home phone or a cell phone.

polymorphism: method lookup is fast, but testing class type is slow and messy.

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